Sherry 主編被問起興趣,會回答自己喜歡園藝 “gardening”。不過這是個修飾性的說法。其實主編喜歡的是種菜、種香料植物、種果樹。說穿了,是個講究食當季、食有機的「吃貨」。
I grow things with the intention to eat them.
While I mask this under the facade that I love gardening (and have had several delightful conversations with fellow gardening aficionados), truth be told, I, simply, love
eatingorganic, seasonal produce. There is nothing I relish more than plucking that ripe cherry tomato fresh off the vine the first thing in the morning, beating all the “cute”beastiesanimalsthieves to it. While I have yet to find damning evidence that there are indeed cherry-tomato-craving creatures competing with me, I have definitive proof that the SNAILS are beating me to the kale. Such an irony eh? Being beaten by the snail of all creatures?
雖然我以「喜歡園藝」這面具掩蓋了事實(並藉由這理由與其他園藝愛好者們進行了數次愉快的交談),說實話,我只是喜歡吃,不,喜歡有機的時令蔬果。我最喜歡一大早從藤蔓上摘下新鮮欲滴、鮮紅成熟的聖女番茄,擊敗所有可愛的小野獸,不,小動物 小偷。雖然我還沒有找到確鑿的證據表明確實有渴望吃聖女番茄的生物與我競爭,但我有確鑿的證據證實鍋牛們比我快一步吃掉我種的羽衣甘藍。多麼地諷刺,不是嗎?竟然在所有的生物中被鍋牛打敗?